Thursday, September 25, 2014

Book Blog 2

For some reason that I don’t consciously understand I still am reading Starters by Lissa Price.  To my amusement I found a major plot hole. 

            To start off the only mentionable development since my last post is that renters will be able to permanently take over a starter’s body.  This led to my realization of a plot hole that compromises virtually the entire plot of the book.  I realized the plot hole when Callie, a teen, is explaining to a 'ender' how taking another person’s body is murder. 

“Oh dear.”  Madison slumped back on the couch.  “That sounds so horribly
            “You’re robbing them of the most precious thing-- their lives.”  I looked around and spotted my overnight bag against the wall.
            “When you put it that way… it sounds like kidnapping.”
            “It’s worse than that.”  I picked up my bag.  “It’s murder.” (209)

At this point I realized something else about this book was horribly askew: why was a sixteen year old explaining death to an elderly person whose lifespan has been extended to the point where she could be nearly two hundred years old?  Shouldn't it be the other way around?  In my experience elderly persons seem to have a pretty good understanding what is murder and what isn’t.
            This book portrays “enders” as immature as soon as they are in a young body.    They suddenly lose their sixty plus years of life experience as soon as they look like a teen.  The character Madison who is involved with the dialog above is an “ender” who acts as a ditsy, arrogant teen is a perfect example of how this book ignores the wisdom of the elderly.   

            Once one realizes that the elderly renters wouldn’t act as ignorantly as the characters portrayed you realize that the book’s sinister plot wouldn’t actually work.  Elderly persons know what is right and what is wrong, and I have never met someone who wants to take away the life of a child. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Book Blog 1 on Starters by Lissa Price

Starters is about a girl who rents her body to old people.  She is a homeless teenager who struggles to keep her and her brother from starving.  She lives in world were all the middle aged persons have been killed by biological weapons.  In order to make money keep herself alive she has to go to a corporation called Prime Destination where they rent her body to old people so they can live in a young body again, so they can literally be young again.
I do not enjoy reading this book.  I think it is a stereotypical teen fictional novel and it bores me.  I specifically choose this book because I though it couldn’t possibly be twisted into one of my two generalizations of teen fiction:  post apocalypse stories or romance, most the time with supernatural lovers.  To my frustration this both has turned out to be my least favorite thing a weird twist of both of my despised categories. 
Starters begins by explaining that it is set in the US after biological warfare.  The children and the elders were vaccinated before the missiles with spores hit the west coast.  This left only minors and elders: starters
and enders.  Unfortunately I found that this situation was in fact my loathed story of scavenging for food and trying to survive after all civilization seemed to be gone.  It meets all the clichés of my post apocalyptic category: living in abandoned buildings, fighting other survivors, and the previously mentioned: scavenging for food.  I have found that these type books are being mass-produced with different titles.
 Starters seemed to be the one book that wouldn’t have a annoying love plot on the side.  I thought that and then I read this.
Suddenly a flash of guilt came over me about Michael.  Even though we weren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend, there really was something special between us.  And there were other reasons I had to stop thinking about Blake.
I knew then that this was the same as every other teen fiction book.  It had a young confused
teen trying to decide who she loves most.  But wait, oh no, she can’t love them both, she has to choose.   This upsets me because it makes the book even more cliché and boring to me.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

101 Things About Me

101 Things About Me

  1. I have visited 24 states.
  2. I have two older brothers and they both now attend MSU.
  3. I have two pets a golden retriever named Buttercup and a cat named Mitten.
  4. I can solve any Rubik's Cube with any number of squares on each side.
  5. I have won 16 debate trophies over the past two years.
  6. Every pair of prescription glasses I have own have been some shade of blue.
  7. I have lived in the same house my whole life.
  8. I will have 34 high school credits when I graduate.
  9. My favorite color is orange.
  10. My favorite artist is Magritte.
  11. My favorite band right now is the Broken Bells.
  12. My oldest brothers nick name for me is to-fu.
  13. I went to Rountree elementary school.
  14. My favorite song is Flash Delirium.
  15. My favorite food is orange chicken from yum yum bowl.