Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Blog 4: The Minister's Black Veil

The Minister’s Black Veil by Nathanial Hawthorne is set in a small, old timey, American town.  Everything about this town is pretty normal until that one fateful day.  One day Reverend Hooper suddenly decided to wear a strange article of clothing: a black veil.  Prior to Parson Hooper’s sudden change of fashion he was well liked, but when he puts on that veil suddenly no one wants to be around him anymore.

“Turning his veiled face from one group to another, he paid due reverence to the hoary heads, saluted the middle aged with kind dignity as their friend and spiritual guide, greeted the young with mingled authority and love, and laid his hands on the little children's heads to bless them. Such was always his custom on the Sabbath day. Strange and bewildered looks repaid him for his courtesy. None, as on former occasions, aspired to the honor of walking by their pastor's side. Old Squire Saunders, doubtless by an accidental lapse of memory, neglected to invite Mr. Hooper to his table, where the good clergyman had been wont to bless the food, almost every Sunday since his settlement.”

Although this isn’t the main theme of this story, it is interesting to see how acquaintances will suddenly turn on one another with one simple change: whether the change is simply a new clothing article, or a change in personality.  In this story, the minister’s veil causes all of the people of his church to be scared of him and neglect him regardless of all traditions.  This story reflects the way people react to situations like this in real life.

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