Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Pecha Kucha

My presentation focuses on the customs and traditions of the Chinese minorities the She and Uygur.  It shows their celebrations, languages, and beliefs through pictures of traditional foods, dress, and various other objects such as the She's phoenix totem.  Unfortunately, it will not upload because it is too big.  Here are some of the pictures it included. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

PechaKucha: Superior Skydiving

This PechaKucha is about a woman's experiences with skydiving.  She does a very good job of showing each of her important moments with a single picture.  The presentation was effective because each slide had a single picture, with no text, that both inspired curiosity and sufficiently depicted a moment that had significant value.  For example, the presenter's first slide was her in a graduation gown; she then explains that her first jump was a graduation present to herself.

There are a couple of ways this presentation could have been improved.  The most important thing that could be improved is that the presenter wasn't always aware of what slide she was on.  She would sometimes be talking about a slide before it appeared, or she would still be talking about the previous slide.  Sometimes the presenter would not be talking at all which significantly took away from the presentation.  In contrast, the visuals were fantastic: she included pictures of her bruised foot, her first jump, and many other pictures that clearly showed her experiences.

I think that PechaKucha can be a very effective method of presentation, however, as it is with any presentation, the subject has to interesting.  I think this particular presentation was somewhat not up to par because the topic wasn't something that has a lot to present about from this person's experiences and its presentation was weak because the speaking was off.  When the topic and speaker are on point I believe the PuchaKucha  is a very effective presentation method that will be appropriate to present my topic in ten slides.